Who we are

We are a mother and son who are making money off our websites with Google.  We are still learning after many years on the internet and as we find other ways to make money we will let you know about them.  We are very glad you are here - we are excited to share all this with you and hope you are excited too.

We can help you make money with Google. We will show you how to make money, as your hobby, in whatever free time you have right now.  We can also help you to get more time freed up so you can start your site. 

We have sites that we are passionate about - positive news sites with current monthly updates.  If you want to have a look go to GNN - Good News Network  - positive news from around the world in Health, Science, Environment and Politics etc  GNN - Good News Network 

You can do this - I am a mother of 5 children. When I first started to create a website I decided not to spend any money.        I decided not to rush in and burn out as I have often done with other things. I worked out I could spend 1 hour a day on most days researching and building my site. I can show you how to do this step by step. Anyone can do it. I have not spent any money and I am making money.   Just last week I received a cheque for $AUS266.00 (DATED 2015)


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